Price of Property Valuations


The South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession (SACPVP) previously gazetted guideline fees, the last being in 2010. However, this is no longer applicable and the SACPVP no longer puts any threshold on valuers’ fees. Professional valuers are free to charge any fee, except for deceased estate valuations which have set fees published in the government gazette.

The cost of a property valuation is dependent on the value of the property and the amount of work involved, and usually is based on a sliding scale. Sometimes the fee can be based on an hourly rate, depending on the nature of the valuation. It should be noted that, depending on the type, the amount of work involved, and the purpose of the property valuation, fees will vary considerably.

Depending on what you need the property valuation for, you may want to get a free property valuation from a reputable estate agent or two (we can direct you to agents in the Garden Route if you do not know any).

Property Appraisals are valuations completed by Court Appointed Appraisers specifically for deceased estates only and have a separate sliding scale in terms of the Administration of Estates Act. Court Appointed Appraisers may only value in their area of registration, unless there are no other appointed appraisers in another area. The fees are below. This can also be used to give you an indication of the fee you would expect for a regular property valuation. For higher value properties, the fees on this scale become exorbitant. For any property, it is advisable to get a quotation before appointing a valuer.



Property Appraisal Fees for deceased estates.

In terms of the Regulations under Section 103 of the Administration of Estates Act 1965 (Act no. 66 of 1965) as amended by Government Gazette No. 34762, effective from 26 April 2018 to present:

Amendment to Regulation 9:

1. Every Appraiser is entitled to remuneration according to the following tariff in respect of every separate or continuous appraisement by him or her for the purposes of the Act:

Value of PropertyBasic TariffAdditional to Basic Tariff
Up to R10 000R385.00
From R10 000 to R20 000R440.00
From R20 000 to R300 000R440.00R6,10 per R1 000 over R20 000
From R300 000 to R800 000R2,145.00R4,10 per R1 000 over R300 000
From R800 000 upR4,200.00R3,00 per R1 000 over R800 000

2. The tariff fee must be increased by 20% subject to a maximum or R100.00 for every separate or continuous appraisement when an appraiser values any property and the Master or the Commissioner for SARS desires particulars of the property including the completion of any prescribed form.

Amendment to Regulation 10: In respect of transport allowance: R3-50 per kilometre

Amendment to Regulation 11: In addition to the remuneration and transport allowances set out in Regulations 9 and 10, the following allowances may be claimed:

a) For time spent travelling to and from R70.00 per completed hour but the place of appraisement: not exceeding R687.00 per day

b) For necessary detention while the appraiser R70.00 per completed hour but is not engaged in the appraisement: not exceeding R687.00 per day.


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